15 Leaf-Free Salads to Toss Around-SliderPhoto

15 Leaf-Free Salads to Toss Around-MainPhoto

May is National Salad Month. Did you know that less than half of the U.S. population (and less than 80% of women) are getting all of the vital nutrients that are essential for good health? The good news is that one salad per day can make a big contribution to your overall health. A study conducted by the UCLA School of Public Health/LSU Health Sciences Center that looked at the diets of more than 17,000 adults showed just how healthy eating salads can be.

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Oscar Wilde once wrote, “To make a good salad is to be a brilliant diplomatist – the problem is entirely the same in both cases. To know how much oil one must mix with one’s vinegar.” A good salad can be a work of art. But, what if you don’t like greens? Turns out, you can toss out the lettuce and still have a delicious healthy salad. So, here are 15 leaf-(lettuce) free salads to try tossing around. Enjoy!

1. Grown-Up Tuna Salad. Tuna salad, that school and work lunch staple, can sometimes be bland and sometimes flavorless. But, this recipe uses fennel, lemon, garlic and pepper for a spicy twist on the old standard.

2. Leafless Salad. This salad uses a variety of vegetables to take the place of the lettuce. The dressing is made of Dijon mustard and olive oil.

3. Quinoa & Avocado Salad with Dried Fruit, Toasted Almonds & Lemon-Cumin Vinaigrette. Avocados are the primary ‘green’ in this salad, which also contains protein-rich quinoa. The dressing is a lemon-cumin vinaigrette.